December 10, 2010


Shady Hill Greenhouse and Nursery greenhouse manager Sarah Bohorquez
 primps a large wreath that is ready for hanging.
Union Leader Correspondent
Cindy Geiser tags the poinsettias.
LONDONDERRY -- As greenhouse manager during the Christmas crush at Shady Hill Greenhouses and Nursery, Sarah Bohorquez likes to think of herself as chief elf in charge of decking the halls.
Or rather, she makes it possible for everyone else to get their boughs of holly in place.
 “We’ve decorated at least 100 wreaths since Thanksgiving,” said Bohorquez, adjusting the ribbon on an oversized wreath featuring both gold and silver trimmings that will soon be on display. 

Despite yesterday’s chilling winds, which rustled across the plastic exterior of the evergreen workshop, inside the greenhouse was a balmy 75 degrees. 
“When the sun’s out, it gets even hotter,” said Bohorquez, carrying a pair of kissing balls into the back of the work space, for bows. “Our kissing balls are selling out as fast as we can make them.” 
She suspects it has something to do with the fact that people who enhance their gardens with hanging plants in the summer like to make use of their shepherd’s hooks in the winter. It could also have something to do with the appeal of buying and displaying something called a “kissing ball” during a season of goodwill to all. 
“A lot of people want custom kissing balls — they like to match them to their wreaths,” Bohorquez said. 
Temperature control inside the greenhouse is essential to preserving the potted poinsettias and other greenery not meant for outdoor display. 
“At night it might get down to 60 degrees in here, but no cooler than that,” said Bohorquez. 
As Bohorquez worked on festooning more kissing balls, Cindy Geiser was putting price tags on potted poinsettias, which come in various shades of red, pink and white. They are grown at Ledgeview Greenhouses in Loudon, and arrive fresh and in full bloom. 
“Maybe next year we’ll try growing our own poinsettias, but these from Ledgeview are really beautiful,” said Bohorquez, adjusting one of the potted plants, which are native to Mexico. 
Although May is the busiest season at Shady Hill, when regulars descend on the Mammoth Road nursery seeking spring flowers, mums and perennials, the second week of December also packs a punch — it’s when most people head out in search of the perfect holiday adornments, said Bohorquez. 
“It’s truly a workshop atmosphere in here right now,” Bohorquez said. “We’re just trying to keep up.” 

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